We need 6-10 volunteers for each Sunday service in order to provide the best experience possible for our children and families. We also have opportunities to serve at our kids midweek programs (school year) and a seasonal opportunity to serve for the week of Sky Kids (summer).
When: Sundays starting at 9:45 a.m. in Greenwich; 9:15 & 11 a.m. in Westchester; 11:00 a.m. in New Canaan | Darien
Who: Adults, High School students; background check required
Contact: Scott Tilton, Next Generation Pastor,
We need 8-12 volunteers to serve as Huddle leaders for our teens’ small group meetings midweek. We also have opportunities to serve at youth events and have seasonal opportunities for the annual Winter Retreat and the week-long SummerQuest camp.
When: Sundays at 9:45 a.m. in Greenwich; 9:15 & 11 a.m. in Westchester; 11:00 a.m. in New Canaan | Darien; midweek is flexible, based on Huddle schedule Who: Adults; background check required Contact: Scott Tilton, Next Generation Pastor,
We need 3-4 volunteers for each Sunday service to make people feel welcome, and to create a warm and inviting environment. The specific roles needed are Front Door and Lobby Greeters.
When: Sundays at 9:45 a.m. in Greenwich; 9:15 & 11 a.m. in Westchester; 11:00 a.m. in New Canaan | Darien
Who: Adults, High School students, children with their parents
Contact: Ann Park (Greenwich Sunday Coordinator); Mairelys Alberto (Westchester Ministry Coordinator); Debbi Dempster (Darien Sunday Coordinator)
We offer three terms of Groups throughout the year: Fall and Winter/Spring are 12-week terms and Summer is an 8-week term. Groups only happen through committed leaders willing to teach or facilitate a group.
When: Weekly meetings for the course of the term, schedule determined by the group leader.
Who: Adults
Contact: Christine Dorvil, Community Life Pastor,
Meal Ministry: Our Meals Team provides meals for people in times of illness, grief or a new baby. Please click here to make a request.
Our community support team provides practical help like moving, organizing, cleaning and possibly additional direction in crisis situations and times of need.
When: Determined by needs as they arise and the volunteer’s availability
Who: Adults or families
Internships are available to learn and assist with communications, media, graphic design, photography and videography.
When: Determined by specific need and the volunteer’s schedule
Who: Adults, High School students
Contact: Antonio Di Caterina, Creative Director,